Frequently asked questions

What are your foundational beliefs that inform your Work?

While every part of my writing on this site, my newsletter, and my social media posts, reflects and articulates what I believe, I’ll also try to summarize here.

Disclaimer before we begin: I am subject to change or expand my beliefs based on my ongoing experiences, research, and experiments. Everyone reserves the birth right to change their minds! This is especially important for those in the field of spiritual work, as it keeps us honest and growing. Prolonged stagnation is entropy.

The TL:DR, to quote William Blake:

“For all that lives is holy.”

The longer version is… I am first, a modern animist, as defined by Graham Harvey: 

“Animists are people who recognize that the world is full of persons, only some of whom are human, and that life is always lived in relationship with others. Animism is lived out in various ways that are all about learning to act respectfully (carefully and constructively) towards and among other persons. Persons are beings, rather than objects, who are animated and social towards others (even if they are not always sociable). Animism may involve learning how to recognize who is a person and what is not–because it is not always obvious and not all animists agree that everything that exists is alive or personal. However, animism is more accurately understood as being concerned with learning how to be a good person in respectful relationship with other persons.”

Like my past ancestors before me and the wise indigenous people who live today, I believe that there are other-than-human beings who are both mundanely seen and unseen. The seen could include the stars and planets in the night sky, the flora and fauna of your local ecosystem. The unseen could include spirits (of various types, origins, and dispositions), ancestors (both well and unwell, human and other-than-human), and gods (yes, plural). 

In regards to the definition of “life”: as a lifelong spirit worker I do not believe life ends when our physical body dies, but that our multipartite soul moves onto Otherworlds, amongst the “unseen” spirits, ancestors, and gods. 

If you’d like to dive deeper into this worldview and belief system, I highly recommend the books Animism: Respecting the Living World by Graham Harvey (which is on the academic side), as well as The Wakeful World by Emma Restall Orr (a less formal, more spiritual view).

Secondly, I am a spirit worker. This means my spiritual path and practices are based on personal spirit relationships and communication that I have personally and viscerally experienced since childhood.

I do not consider myself a pagan or polytheist reconstructionist . I am not aiming to practice a formal religion of the past or present, which both of these terms refer to. I have no interest in trying to recreate or reconstruct religious beliefs of the past, though I am a student of them for other reasons.

Thirdly, my research and practice is to unveil the pre-modern deeply animist beliefs, ideas and social concepts behind folk tales, fairy tales, folk beliefs, and folk customs and practices. My explicit goal is to do my best to unearth the vestiges of these beliefs/practices before organized religion demonized and outlawed them. I do this to feel at home within myself and the calling I have had towards this path since I was a child, to remove the culturally endowed feeling that says these experiences are wrong or evil, and to feel closer to my ancestors. I only teach and share what I have come to know or experience, as I strive for authenticity.

Lastly, I am not an exclusionist. I recognize that my beliefs and practices are a unique calling to me, just as there is a unique spiritual calling for everyone. I don’t think any religion, belief, practice, or person has figured everything out or is the one true way, and it’s hubris to the maximum degree for anyone to claim otherwise. It is never my goal or demeanor to forcefully dominate and convert the people who choose to listen to or read what I am sharing. I simply share what I have come to believe and practice, and the reasons or experiences behind it. I do my best, within the lines of my convictions, to respect variations of belief and practice. I expect others to do the same for me. 

A clarifying point: outlining the factual history of something is not a form of disrespect or an attack on a belief. We all have a responsibility to know the history and heritage of our beliefs and practices, and it’s our choice what to make of it. If history offends you, I encourage you to leave my site.

This is all great, but what does this mean for you, when signing up for my newsletter, going into a consultation, or purchasing a workshop?

I will communicate from the perspective that the world is wildly alive, sentient, and (variably) responsive and interactive both on a mundane, spiritual, and personal level with us as individuals.

I will always center healthy relationship with the other-than-human peoples and worlds as the cornerstone of my teachings and services. 

The research I share is meant to help free you from a confining and inaccurate over-cultural understanding of ancient and coded beliefs, giving you the “secret” view to timeless beliefs and practices that are wildly alive, inspirited, and interactive.

I will never intentionally position myself as the final expert, authority, or guru as it pertains to your spiritual path, but will instead act as a companion who walks by your side and shares what I can in the spirit of helpful collaboration. 

Hopefully, this will help to enchant and empower you on your own spiritual path and daily life.

What services and products do you offer? 

Because this is peppered throughout my website, I’m going to simply give an overview: 

First, I offer Guidance & Teachings on animism, building a personal and authentic spiritual practice, how to nurture healthy spirit relationships, and how to develop robust spirit communication skills. I believe in empowering you to create personalized spirit relationships and spiritual practices that suit your life. In fact, I’d say that is my primary life’s work: to help connect you with terrestrial and celestial more-than-human kin and spirits in healthy and enchanted ways, and to empower you with skills to assist your spiritual path and, consequently, your mundane life. 

Second, I offer my pathtending consultations to assist you on a personal one-on-one level with walking your spiritual path with greater clarity, courage, and authenticity. In these personal sessions, I often utilize spirit work skills and divination tools to help you more clearly listen to and comprehend the messages that the inspirited more-than-human world wishes for you to hear.

Divination is not the same as fortune-telling (which is illegal in different parts of the world). 

How I distinguish the difference between the two is to look at historical precedence.

Divination is a term that has been overwhelming used regarding predictions and practical/spiritual advisory and/or affirmation that results from a religious or spiritual ritual in which there is some fashion of communication with deities, spirits, or other-than-human peoples. Various methods of divination have been practiced and described by almost every spiritual belief system in history including Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, and Hinduism, not to mention countless older pagan and polytheistic religions and non-organized folk spiritual beliefs.

Fortune-telling is a derogatory term used to describe what has been perceived as a less formal practice of prediction and practical/spiritual advisory and/or affirmation resulting from some form of coercive or performative suggestion (such as cold reading) as a means of extracting money and/or trust from those naive enough to seek out the service. Anti-fortune-telling sentiment and laws began as a means of discrimination against and de-legitimization of long-time practices of folk peoples, marginalized people, and immigrants, as a means to forcefully homogenize spiritual belief to a primary religion within an area. How do we know the authorities in question are attempting to de-legitimize another set of beliefs? Well anti-fortune-telling laws were designed so that any type of “fortune-telling” would only be permitted as a means of entertainment (and must be disclosed as strictly entertainment) during a fair or festival, and usually at the final discretion of an established church or school.

Anti-fortune-telling laws continue to do the same today, with the implicit proposition that anything practiced outside of the accepted prevailing religion is not legitimate spiritual practice. This discrimination and persecution is masked with the virtue signal of protecting those who are vulnerable to manipulative suggestion and “superstition”. Why is this virtue signalling? Because the same level of scrutiny and prosecution is not employed against those within the accepted religion of these same areas (notably, primarily some form of Christianity), such as the claims of prophets, faith healers, and faith artifacts pushed by mainstream religion that many people seek out with equal possibility of being taken advantage of.

This is not to say there are zero cases of purported fortune-tellers taking advantage of clients, but to say that that is the exception rather than the norm. If places with these laws in place judged all professionals, teachers, and leaders within all available spiritual systems with the same level of scrutiny, I would not consider these laws as a form of institutionalized discrimination.

What does this mean in practical terms in regards to my offerings? I do not cold read people or use the art of suggestion or any other form of manipulation in my pathtending services. I do not pretend to read minds in the spirit work services I offer. I do not "spy” on non-consenting and unaware parties with my divination, whether it is for business or for romantic purposes. I do not pick out lottery numbers or predict death dates. I also do not diagnose or treat illness of any sort. I will at all times exercise my best professional efforts, skills, and care. However, outside of delivering the spiritual pathtending service as described, I cannot guarantee the outcome of divination efforts and/or recommendations on my website/blog.

My practice of divination is part of my spiritual practice and beliefs, not just a party trick or something used to fool people into giving me money/prestige/etc. Divination is a possible bridge of communicating with the more-than-human peoples and world that I speak about in the answer to my first question in this FAQ.

Part of what I do is communicate with spirits to gain insight for the questions or problems at hand. The other parts of what I do is have a dialogue with you, and use tools of divination such as an astrology chart or tarot cards for additional insight.

Anyone can develop these skills to varying degrees of success, which I talk about frequently. I want you to be totally empowered, to whatever extent you wish to be, in your spiritual and mundane life. 

Let me reemphasize: these skills are not just the domain of someone who calls themselves a “spirit worker”. Historically speaking (even in our present day), the skills of spirit communication and prediction/foresight are a cornerstone in almost every system of spiritual belief and practice.

Sometimes we need an extra set of eyes or a hand to hold through confusing, uncertain, or painful spiritual times. Sometimes we do not have the capacity or desire to do these things for ourselves. And some people do not have the patience or inclination to learn these skills for themselves whatsoever. In these cases, I am here to walk beside you.

In total, divinatory services constitute spiritual counseling and mediation, facilitating how you cope spiritually with a given situation, and sometimes this also affects mundane results too. It is a spiritually supportive and integrative process that can be complementary to other mundane services and treatments you may receive.

Lastly, I offer selective mentorship in developing your spiritual path, practices, and skills.

HOw can I work with you?

Everyone, no matter their income level, can sign up to my newsletter or read my writings. It’s completely free, and I personally focus on rich writing that combines enchantment, education, and empowerment. Occasionally I send out an announcement about a recent media appearance (such as podcasts) where I continue my mission to enchant, inform, and empower watchers/listeners. Truly, this is a rich resource that I highly encourage you to sign up for.

The second way to engage with my work is through my teachings. They are available as pre-recorded downloadable classes with ongoing email support. I usually make each of my teachings available for a limited period of time, so it’s best to join my newsletter to know when new things come out.

The third way to engage with my work is through one-on-one ongoing mentorship, or in a service retainer. If you’re looking to improve your own skills, one-on-one mentorship is the way to go. If you want ongoing spiritual and divinatory assistance, the service retainer is the best choice for you. Both are 3 months at-a-time custom containers with 1 monthly call and ongoing private email and Whatsapp support. The retainer container itself is based on your needs and goals, so it’s completely bespoke to each person who reserves a spot. I can only offer these to a small number of people at a time, and the best way to learn of any open availability is to either contact me, or join my newsletter.

The final way to engage with my work is through one-off private pathtending services as described above. My availability for these services is always limited, and the best way to learn about my availability is to join my newsletter. You can also check my Consultations page at any time to see what is available.

How can I book a Pathtending consultation with you?

My availability for these services is always limited, and the best way to learn about my availability is to join my newsletter. You can also check my Consultations page at any time to see what is available.

There aren’t any openings on your calendar. Are you accepting new clients?

If you don’t see openings on my calendar, that means I am booked out at this time or I am taking a break from offering my pathtending services. People who sign up for the newsletter always learn about my availability first.

If you need ongoing mentorship or service support, you can contact me about a retainer. I can only offer these to a small number of people at a time, and the best way to learn of any open availability is to either contact me, or join my newsletter.

How do you deliver your Workshops?

After you purchase a workshop you will receive an email with instructions to download a folder with all workshop materials inside.

If you have any problems with receiving the workshop, please first check the email you used to make your purchase, as well as your spam folder.

If you still do not see your purchase email, you can contact me with your purchase receipt and I’ll help you get access!

Do you offer payment plans for your classes?

Since class materials are delivered in a single downloadable format, I do not offer payment plans at this time.

How do you conduct your sessions/services?

My services are exclusively delivered in digital format. In the description of my consultations you will find if they are conducted via Zoom audio call, or delivered via email in a PDF.

Because of where I am located (in the Republic of Ireland), I do not offer in-person sessions, sessions via telephone call, or delivery of written reports via snail mail.

Can I record my consultation with you?

Yes, and I encourage you to do so. I am unable to record the consultation for you! So please review how to record your session via Zoom before our session, or have an alternative method to record the session on your side.

I would like to buy a Consultation as a gift for a friend. Do you offer gift certificates?

Because my divination services are limited and infrequently available, I no longer offer gift certificates. I also do not have the technical capacity at this time to offer gift certificates for classes.

You can always contact me to purchase a pathtending service (if I have sessions available at the time) or class for a friend.

What are your rates?

My rates are listed on every class and pathtending offering. They are subject to change, and it’s a good idea to check them before you make a purchase.

Can I trade or barter for your services or teachings?

I am highly selective about the trades and barters that I accept as a matter of discernment, my aesthetic tastes, and private interests. This is not personal!

At the moment I am not open to trading with other astrologers, tarot readers, or spiritual service providers that I do not have a close personal relationship with already.

I am possibly interested in trading for other services (for example I recently traded for voice lessons), and artisanal items (for example I recently traded for some bespoke pottery)!

For anyone interested in trading or bartering: if you’d like to explore if we’re a match, use my contact form.

Do you have discounted readings or classes?

I offer a limited number of needs-based discounted consultations and workshops based on the donations I receive from my other well-resourced and generous clients. Availability of these discounted spots is announced in my newsletter exclusively.

How can I donate to the discounted consultations and classes?

You can select “aid accessibility” as an add-on for your reading. If you’d like to make a bigger donation, you can contact me directly!

What is your policy on showing up late?

If you do not show up to your consultation within the first 10 minutes of the session, I will consider you a no-show for the session, and you will forfeit the fee you paid.

I require a 48-hour notice if you cannot make it to your appointment – if you do not give me sufficient notice, your fee for the appointment will be forfeited. I expect you to extend the same courtesy to me that you would to your doctor, hairdresser, lawyer, etc. Understand that when you do not show or call, I cannot make that time available for another client. It is YOUR responsibility to keep track of your appointment.

If there has been an extenuating circumstance preventing you from giving me proper notice of your absence, contact me ASAP and we will reschedule your session for another time.

If I do not show up within the first few minutes of a session please contact me—it is likely a technical hiccup.

What is your refund policy?

All courses, classes, and workshops are sent via an automated system and come with one-on-one support via email. As such, all courses are non-refundable due to the nature of the automation and due to the ongoing support made available to you throughout the duration of the course.

Consultation readings constitute professional services and due to the nature of the service and labor involved, all readings are non-refundable.

In extenuating circumstances I may choose to give refunds minus administration and processing fees for either professional services or digital products. This will be judged at my discretion, on a case-by-case basis.

What is your cancellation policy?

If you pay for a divination reading but then change your mind and no longer want the consultation, your payment will be refunded minus a $50 cancellation fee and $5 processing fee.

Where can I read your writing?

My writing is found in my newsletter, my Writings page, and in snippets on social media.

Do you have suggestions for how I can also learn tarot/astrology/witchcraft/magic?

My website and classes are a great place to learn more about creating your own personalized spiritual practices and spirit relationships. Regarding the worldview and belief system of animism, I’m currently writing a living (as in constantly updated and expanded) Get Started resource center, which will include a treasure chest of historical works cited. I suggest you check that out, and then peruse the works cited for additional sources you may want to explore.

Regarding folk witchcraft practices and magic, if you want additional resources within a similar vein as what I sometimes talk about (and most certainly practice privately), I recommend (to various degrees) the writings of Jan Fries, Gemma Gary, Levannah Morgan, Nigel Pearson, Roger Horne, and Morgan Daimler.

If you want to learn more about astrology (and/or work towards a professional understanding) I personally recommend Demetra George, Sam Reynolds, Austin Coppock, Kaitlin Coppock, Freedom Cole, Kelly Surtees, Chris Brennan, and Catherine Urban. To learn about fixed stars, I have a free resource guide on my blog with detailed additional suggestions.

I only teach Tarot to those who already have a working understanding and practice, in a one-on-one mentorship container. At this point my own practice is skewed towards playing card divination, esoteric/occultic tarot, and the Marseilles system tarot, so my recommendations for learning reflect that: Yoav Ben-Dov, Camellia Elias, Bennebel Wen, Roger Horne, Josephine McCarthy, Alejandro Jorodowsky, and Austin Coppock to name a few. My friend and peer Meg Jones Wall (3 AM Tarot) is a great person to learn tarot essentials from, too!

Other than some writing and references in my work, at this time I do not teach folk herbalism. I recommend learning herbalism from my trusted friend Sarah Corbett at Rowan and Sage, and the writings of Kiva Rose Hardin, Sarah Lawless, Corinne Boyer, Daniel Schulke, and Elisabeth Brooke.

I would also be remiss not to mention the profound influence my peers and friends have had on my practice. Most of them have writings, interviews, and teachings of their own that are worth looking into. To name a few in no particular order: Diana Rose Harper, Briar of the Greene Chapel, Jeanna Kadlec, Maeg Keane, Gabriel Rosas, Jason Kei, Rowan Rain, Sasha Ravitch, E.T. Shipley, Pallas Augustine and Rain Mason, Gray Crawford and Genie Desert, Icy Sedgwick, Justin Plunkett, Whitney Hill, Sarah Corbett, and Anak Rabanel.

What astrological methods do you use? Zodiac? House System? Specialties?

I am primarily a practicing traditional Hellenistic astrologer. As a spirit worker with a private folk witch practice, I place particular importance on lunar cycles and seasonal fixed star phases.

At this time I practice with annual profections, solar returns, secondary profections, the decans, and the fixed stars (both by conjunction and by parantellonta/parans).

My practice emphasizes the 7 traditional planets and traditional (Dorothean) rulership schema. I only look at outer planets and (some) asteroids when they are in tight conjunction (within 2 degrees) with an angle or planet in the natal chart. I only consider fixed stars to be in conjunction with a placement in the natal chart when they are in tight conjunction (within 2 degrees) with one another. Like all things, there are some exceptions, but this is the general baseline.

I use the Whole Sign house system, and the Tropical Zodiac.

I’ve been a student and practitioner of Western remediation techniques for 5+ years.

What Tarot system do you use? What decks do you use?

I primarily use the Marseilles tarot system, though occasionally I use Ryder-Waite inspired decks. I also utilize oracle decks when I feel it is appropriate.

My primary tarot decks are the Tarot of the Drowning World and the Hush Tarot.

Can I pick which deck you use for a tarot reading?

No, as I have consecrated and awakened the spirit within my decks to act as a bridge to the Otherworlds for gathering insight for your reading. Due to this, I select the deck that I feel is most appropriate for the client inquiry.

How long have you been formally studying?

I’ve been formally studying and practicing tarot since 2013.

I’ve been formally studying and practicing astrology since 2014.

I’ve been a spirit-worker since before I knew what it was. I became an ardent student of the history and practice of mysticism, religion, magic, witchcraft, and the occult in my late teens, and it’s only grown stronger as time goes on.

How long have you been Offering your professional services?

I began reading tarot for clients in 2016.

I began giving astrology readings for clients in 2017.

I began doing spirit work and magic for clients in 2018.

Can you be a guest on my podcast/membership area/etc.?

I’m happy to explore being a guest on most podcasts, membership sites, and other teaching or speaking engagements. The best way to explore if we’re a good fit is to contact me.

Do you collaborate with brands, shops, etc.?

Only if I really believe in and use your products! Let me forewarn that I am very particular about this. It’s not personal! The best way to find out is to contact me.

Can I mail you a deck/book/magical item/etc. in exchange for a review?

Only if I really believe in and use your products! Let me forewarn that I am very particular about this. It’s not personal! The best way to find out is to contact me.

Learn the powerful fundamentals of building a personal spiritual practice & spirit relationships, for a deeply rooted authentic spiritual path